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Block Wallhack v8 [CS & CZ]

 Plugin Trailer


This plugin blocks wallhacks (transparent walls) and soundhacks (squares, esps) including radar hacks by differently transmitting and filtering entity data.
It is advised to read everything about the plugin before asking questions! I will try to cover everything that you need to know here!
Also follow the instructions they are posted here for a reason!!!
If you ask a question that is already answered here your post will be ignored!


Player non visibility transfer block
If the player does not see one of the points in the visibility plane of a player the player will not be transmitted therefore becoming invisible for transparent wall cheats.

Smooth engine
The plugin adds prediction to player movement, it will make players not pop (appear out of nowhere).

FOV Check
The plugins checks if the players are in front of us or not, if not the players will not be transmitted, it helps when we talk about CPU efficiency and also for cheats that show the player in 3rd person view.

Transparent entity detection and storage base
It checks if we can see through an entity and it will modify it's properties so that the traces will not be influenced by it! The players will not notice anything!
Grenade and weapon transfer block
The plugin will block entities like grenades and weapons when they are not seen.

ESP block
The plugin will block soundhack and ESP by transmitting the sounds through different channels.

Footsteps generator
The plugin will generate footsteps, if you want this remember to set mp_footsteps to 0!

Soundhack key
The plugin will rename the sounds (the original sounds will not be deleted!) only if you want to this is optional! This helps when there are cheats that show the name of the sound on the screen, so that cheaters will not be able to understand what they mean.

Support for dynamic cameras
The plugin will detect when a player uses a camera and will not affect the visibility.

New updated notifier
The plugin will notify admins when an update is available!

Known bugs (cannot be fixed):

Player popping
There is a risk that player pops out of nowhere, but the chance is small.
Player lag late appearance
If the players have lag the plugin will make it even more difficult for them to play.
High ping sometimes [Problem seen on CSDM servers]
Disable target check! If you are experiencing this problem!
Sounds sound different
It is because of the different transmission. Don't worry about it!


  • Steam
  • AmxModX v1.80
  • EngineX
  • Orpheu


  1. Download orpheu_base.zip from here, and unzip the archive in the "<target>/amxmodx" folder
  2. Unzip the file "cstrike" in the "<target>/cstrike" folder
  3. Add the plugin to plugins.ini.
  4. Enjoy!


  • // // TRW Block // //

  • trw_enable 1 // 1 (default/recommended) - plugin is turned on, 0 - off
  • trw_ignore_team 1 // 1 (default) if the plugin ignores teammates, 0 will check teammates and block them if not seen
  • trw_block_ents 0 // 3 block "grenade/armoury/weapon" entities with more checks, 2 block all entities but do more calculations on "grenade" entities, 1 block all entities that are not seen (no extra calculations), 0 (default) let the engine decide
  • trw_fov_check 1 // 1 (default/recommended) - do not transmit entities that are behind the player, 0 transmit everything
    • trw_target_check 1 // 1 (default) - if user shoots and hits someone that person will not be transmited, 0 disable tis check
    • trw_smooth_check 2 // 2 (default/recommended) - it will make the players not pop using vector calculations, 1 it will make players not pop using origin prediction, 0 disabled smooth check
    • trw_textureallow 1 // 1 (default/recommended) - will make the plugin ignore transparent entities, 0 disable this check
    • // // SND Block // //
    • snb_enable 1 // 1 (default/recommended) enable ESP sound blocking, 0 - disabled plugin
    • snb_footsteps 1 // 1 (default/recommended) make the plugin generate footsteps set mp_footsteps to 0!!!, 0 disabled
    • snb_shotover 1 // 1 (default/recommended) override shots, 0 disabled

    Config files information:

    • wb_sndkey.cfg
    Location: <target>/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/
    This file only appears only if you want to use the soundhack key! The key can be imported from another file and can be managed with the server command wb_createsoundkey. If you have updated the plugin there is a chance that it will not be compatible with the last block wallhack version (depending on updates).
    If you get in the console some of these messages:
    [Block Wallhack] Soundhack key version load failure (Version read failure). Using default sounds!
    [Block Wallhack] Soundhack key version load failure (Number of sounds does not correspond). Using default sounds!
    That means you need to delete these files and folders manually in order to create a new soundkey:

    Soundhack key mamagement command:

    amx_sndkeycfg <command> <target> -> creates the soundhack key!
    This override commands will only work only if the present soundkey is loaded, if it is not loaded you will get an override error.

    Here are the usage examples:
    amx_sndkeycfg help - this will show you how to use the command
    amx_sndkeycfg delete - this will delete the present soundkey (only if it was loaded)
    amx_sndkeycfg create - this will delete the present soundkey (only if it was loaded) and create a new one
    amx_sndkeycfg import <target> - this will import a soundkey from a file (will not override the present soundkey)
    amx_sndkeycfg overimport <target> - this will import a soundkey from a file and delete the present one (only if it was loaded)

    How to install the the same soundkey on multiple servers:

    In the first server you type the command amx_sndkeycfg create in console to create a soundkey.
    After you have done this go to the folder <target>/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data and copy the file wb_sndkey.cfg.
    After that paste that file in the same folder for other servers, the plugin should get the soundhack key automatically.


    PHP Code:
    - 8.0 - fixed crash bug, fixed high cpu usage bug, added also support for ent sounds and reloadsound, Extended the functionality of trw_block_ents, fixed go thru wall bug, spawning players beeing transmited, added update notifier system
    - 7.0 - Remade the cvars because they weren't so user friendly, made the plugin use spawnStaticSound, now this can fully block ESP and SoundHack
    - 6.3 - soundhackkey not compatible with older soundkeys, added more sounds to block the soundhacks, extended the block to entities that would give info about the player, fixed crashing due to get_orig_retval function.
    - 6.2 - added engine visibility filters, even less lag, the plugins cannot be seen on game-monitor anymore (for surprize)
    - 6.1 - fixed the ping bug, the plugins are even more efficient!
    - 6.0 - separated the features in separate plugins, 100% cpu usage problem improvement, fixed texture problem that crashes the server, more stable and faster, removed the orpheu module, no more shot override (unable to fix the bugs!), footsteps are done in another way, removed the distortion wave because of the sound problems
    - 5.6 - Fixed the amxx crash bug when soundkey has been used
    - 5.5 - Changed the way the command of creating soundkey works, added log to files, added more cvars for configuration, and miscelanous things
    - 5.4 - Anti-Soundhack shot, pick-up and spawn, fixed spec bug
    - 5.3 - Separated the channels from the shot mechanism (now we have the sound of the shot, the bullet particles and the weapon animation separated!)
    - 5.2 - Fixed double jump/land sound, made the soundkey use less resources if the sounds that are used are default, removed PVS cvar (useless), new cvar wallblocker_footsteps
    - 5.1 - PreHook fix, EmitAmbientSound function used, update key (more random and better when dealing with problems!)
    - 5.0 - Added anti-soundhack based with key, made the ents follow the players much closer
    - 4.8 - Less crash risk, new method of detecting transparent ents and making them transperent will not destroy ladded functionality anymore!!!
    - 4.5 - texture check now isn't made that often (less crash risk!), added texture check autodisable cfg, added a new method to ignore entities that are transparent (100% efficient), reupdated the weapon headpoint
    - 4.2 - added bitsum remember system, smooth check is made now by FRAME_CONSTANT (1/48), changed alive/dead recognision system (less resource use!)
    - 4.1 - fixed plugin_init problem!
    - 4.0 - all bugs fixed, added texture check , everything tweaked and tuned!
    - 3.0 - removed Engine module (another method), improved smooth engine, removed , fixed flashing bug, target check now works both ways (if you are seen the player will be shown!)
    - 2.5 - removed HamSandWich module (useless), improved smooth check, corpse remove bug fixed, optimized the code a little bit.
    - 2.4 - bug fix release (weapon index out of bounds fix, reconnect bug fix (with CSDM), made the ent check not so sensitive (not so many blind-spots)
    - 2.2 - bug fix release (index out of bounds & weapon confusion bug)
    - 2.1 - removed a bugged feature (block_dead cvar), added smooth cvar
    - 2.0 - more customizable, less cpu usage (50% TESTED!), weapons grenades check added, bug fixes
    - 1.5 - removed some checks, optimized it a bit, added weapon head-point check
    - 1.0 - initial release


    - joropito - for compiling engineX on linux
    - hlstriker - for finding the way to detect semi-transparent textures!
    - h010c - for tests and benchmarks, anti-soundhack tests and code samples
    - joaquimandrade - for pointing out the plugin flaws, and for the Orpheu module
    - Connor - some stocks
    - Arkshine - for finding precise weapon head points, and for some sig files, spawnStaticSound
    - Mnx Community - for letting me test this plugin on linux!
    - turshija - for some small suggestions.
    - .Owyn. - bug reports
    - ShlumPF* - for small improvements (initial v1.0)
    - eD & Niculae - for some tests

    Plugin camera compatability!

    Add this function after you have used attach_view() or EngFunc_SetView functions
    PHP Code:
    stock wb_setview(id, attachent)
                 if   (!cvar_exists("wallblocker_version") && !cvar_exists("trwb_version"))
                         return 0

                  callfunc_begin("fw_setview", cvar_exists("wallblocker_version") ? "block_wallhack.amxx" :                 "trblock.amxx")
                return 1

    click to Download
    772 KB

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